Fresher wiki
The fresher wiki is meant to help with freshers' (and other students') studies. The primary goal is to collect the University of Helsinki's Computer Science students' questions and answers in a single source. There's quite a lot of information, but it's not meant to be consumed all at once. New students should read at least the "Fresher fall's most important" and "Wisdom and guidance" sections. Editing rights are granted to all logged in users. You can log in using your TKO-äly member account. TKO-äly ry is responsible for maintaining the wiki. Tällä hetkellä wikissä on 84 artikkelia. HUOM! Puuttuuko wikistä hyödyllistä infoa? Lisää ideat tänne: Fuksiwikin puutelista 🌐 Some material is available in English. Fuksisyksyn kriittisimmätOhjeita ja opastusta
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