Discussion channels

Tämä on käännetty versio sivusta Keskustelukanavat, ja käännös on 100 % valmis.

Kumpula students mainly use Telegram for communication purpoises. TKO-äly, in addition to other student organizations, uses Telegram actively. The University has sometimes utilized it for communication purposes as well. In addition, TKO-äly and the CS department both have their own Discord servers.

TKO-äly's announcement and discussion channels can be found on Telegram. The announcement channels are used for important messages and reminders about events and student-related affairs. Discussion channels can be used to chat with fellow students on a broad range of topics. Some discussion channels are officially moderated by TKO-äly, but some are unofficial.

The general discussion guidelines must be followed on all TKO-äly channels.

Course channels exist for almost all CS courses as well as most physics and maths courses. Some are official, some are student-run. The CS department's official channels can be found on the derpatment's Discord server, although there are still some that are on Telegram. Student-run unofficial course channels can be found on Telegram, but they don't usually have course staff to assist. Other Kumpula departments' course channels are usually found on Telegram.

TKO-äly's channels

Description Telegram-group IRC
TKO-äly's announcement channel tkt-announcement
TKO-äly's general discussion channel TKO-äly2024 #tko-äly2024
Fresher group for 2023 freshers Ask for an invite from a tutor (Tutors)
Group for international students in 2023 Ask the international tutors for a link (Tutors)
Help channel for studies-related inquiries tkt-apu #tkt-apu
Actives' channel for organization actives tkt-aktiivit #tkt-aktiivit
Group for masters students / english speaking tkt-masters
Data Science students UHdata
Gurula's own channel tkt-gurula #tkt-gurula

TKO-äly on Discord

For gaming, LANs and virtual hanging out, among other things, TKO-äly also has a Discord server helsingin-yliopiston-tietojenkäsittelytieteen-opiskelijoiden-muuhunkin-kuin-lanikäyttöön-tarkoitettu. The server is usually used for talking on voice channels when writing is not enough.

Unofficial channels

Description Telegram group IRC
Fresher laptop unofficial support channel tkt-fuksiläppäri
Fresher pass inquiries fuksipassi
CS students' second-hand channel tkt-secondhand
(Retired) daily notifications of Unicafe menu tkt-daily
TKO-äly's Readme magazine's editors' channel readme #tkt-readme
For Runescape players tkt-runescape
Co-ordinating food orders in Gurula tkt-pizza #tkt-pizza
Support channel for CS women (all genders welcome) tkt-akat #tkt-akat
Organizing board game playing tkt-lautapelit
Secret chess club Salainen shakkikerho
Chess tkt-shakki
Esports tkt-esports
Video games tkt-videopelit
Computer hardware discussions tkt-rauta
Food tkt-ruoka
Coffee tkt-kahvi
Tea tkt-tee
Game dev tkt-gamedev
Game design tkt-gamedesign
Cat stuff tkt-tääkissat
Technical discussion (sysadmin,ops,koodaus,linux,os,kernels,drivers,libraries,frameworks,etc) tkt-technical
E-sports tkt-esports
Books tkt-lukeminen
Food tkt-ruoka
Sports tkt-liikunta
Safe space for LGBTA students tkt-lgbta
Solving wicked problems tkt-solvingwickedproblems
General entrepreneurship tkt-yrittäminen
Arma series of games tkt-armailut
Political discussions tkt-politiikkavääntö
Rust programming language Navetan Rustaajat
Climbing (bouldering etc.)


Music tkt-music
Metal music tkt-metalli
Photographing tktvalokuvaus

Course channels

NOTE! These may have changed and this list may be outdated.

1. You can usually find the active course channel on the course site, description or mateiral. Some courses have a new channel for every period.

2. If the course website does not name a course channel, check the CS department's Discord server. Courses known to be on the Discord server are listed below, and an up-to-date list of course channels can be found on the Discord's #guide channel.

 - CSM141081 - Full Stack Web Development
 - CSM14212 - Programming Parallel Computers
 - CSM90004 - Data Analysis with Python
 - TKT10002 - Ohjelmoinnin perusteet ja jatkokurssi / Python Programming
 - TKT10004 - Tietokantojen Perusteet MOOC
 - TKT10005 - Tietokoneen Toiminta
 - TKT123456 - Test-Driven Development
 - TKT20001 - Tietorakenteet ja Algoritmit
 - TKT20002 - Ohjelmistotekniikka
 - TKT20003 - Operating systems
 - TKT20006 - Ohjelmistotuotanto
 - TKT20009 - Cyber security base
 - TKT21007 - Web-palvelinohjelmointi Java 2021
 - TKT21027 - DevOps with Kubernetes
 - TKT21036 - DevOps with Docker
 - TKT50003 - Computing tools for CS studies

3. If you still can't find a course channel, check the ones below. All of these have been in use at some point, and some are still active.

Course name Telegram group IRC
Algebralliset rakenteet I ja II, Algebra I Algebra
Algoritmit ongelmanratkaisussa Algoritmit ongelmanratkaisussa
C-ohjelmointi tkt-cee #cee
Calculus 1a, 1b & Advanced Calculus uniHkiCalc
Cryptography in Networking tkt-cryptography
Data Analysis with Python DataAnalysisWithPythonSpring2019
Data Compression Techniques tkt-DCT
Design and Analysis of Algorithms tkt-daa
Full stack -websovelluskehitys TKTL Full Stack
Fysiikkaa luonnontieteilijöille Fysiikkaa luonnontieteilijöille
Game Engine Architecture Game courses
Game Project Course Game courses
Gradun kirjoittajille tkt-gradu #tkt-gradu
Introduction to Functional Programming tkt-ifp
Introduction to Game Programming Game courses
Introduction to Internet of Things tkt-IoT
Introduction to Lambda Calculus tkt-ilc
Introduction to Machine Learning tkt-iml
Jatko-opiskelijat / PhD students tkt-phds
Johdatus tekoälyyn / Introduction to Artificial Intelligence IAI19
Johdatus tietojenkäsittelytieteeseen tkt-jtkt2020
Johdatus todennäköisyyslaskentaan sekä Todennäköisyyslaskenta Todennäköisyyslaskenta #todari
Johdatus yliopistomatematiikkaan JYM #jym
Kandidaatintutkielma tkt-kandi #tkt-kandi
Käyttöjärjestelmät tkt-käjä #kaja
Laskennan mallit tkt-lama
Lineaarialgebra ja matriisilaskenta I ja II mat-linis #linis
Linux system administration tkt-sysadmin
Matriisilaskennan sovellukset hy-matsov #matsov
Ohjelmistotekniikka Ohjelmistotekniikka #otm
Ohjelmistotuotanto Ohjelmistotuotanto
Ohjelmistotuotantoprojekti tkt-ohtuprojekti
Ohjelmoinnin perusteet ja jatkokurssi (MOOC) Ohjelmoinnin MOOC 2020 (Java)

Java Programming MOOC

Programming for Performance tkt-pfp
Raja-arvot, differentiaalilaskenta, integraalilaskenta hy-analyysi
Randomized Algorithms I-II tkt-rana
Ruby on Rails RoR Wepa #wadror
Seminar on Type Theory MLTT-2020
Shell Scripting tkt-shell
Study Group on Programming Language Foundations in Agda HY-PLFA-2020
Tietokantasovellus tkt-tsoha #tsoha
Tietokantojen perusteet tkt-tikape #tikape
Tietokone työvälineenä (lapio) tkt-lapio
Tietokoneen rakenne tkt-tikra #tikra
Tietokoneen toiminta tkt-tito #tito
Tietoliikenteen perusteet tkt-tilpe
Tietorakenteet ja algoritmit tkt-tira #tira
Tietorakenteiden harjoitustyö tkt-tiralabra
Tilastotiede ja R tutuksi Tiltu + R 1
Tähtitieteen perusteet Tähtitieteen perusteet

Other organizations' channels

These are some of the channels belonging to TKO-äly's partner organizations.

Description Telegram group
Matlu ry's Klusteri announcement channel Klusteri-info
Matlu ry's Klusteri general discussion chat Klusteri-chat
TiTOL's announcement channel TiTOL tiedotteet
TiTOL's general discussion channel TiTOLin ATK-Yhteistoimintakanava