TKO-äly's general discussion guidelines

Tämä on käännetty versio sivusta TKO-älyn yleinen keskusteluohjesääntö, ja käännös on 100 % valmis.
  • Treat others like you would like to be treated by others.
  • If you see or experience incorrect behaviour or otherwise require help in unclear situations, immediately contact the admins of the channel, or the board of TKO-äly. We will react to harassment as fast as possible.
  • Don't assume another person's identity, gender, sexual preference or any other equivalent attribute.
  • Don't use offensive language against another person, whether on the channel or not.
  • Be open minded and listen to what others say. Respect others as human beings beyond your own bias. Don't question or judge the otherness of a person.
  • In TKO-äly there is no room for violence, intolerance or excluding conduct or language.
  • Follow the safe-for-work-principle. Don't send messages that include graphic violence, pornography or other disturbing or inappropriate content. Don't post anything you wouldn't wish for your colleagues or employers to see.
  • Don't delete or modify messages after sending them. You should only write what you are willing to stand by. Messages sent by accident may be deleted right after sending.
  • Do not advertise without prior permission. We have channels dedicated for recruitment. You can inquire more information from our corporate relations team.
  • Do not promote, advise or encourage illegal activities.
  • Discuss in good spirit and don't succumb to bickering. Be considerate of other readers and move the conversation to a more appropriate channel if necessary.

Admins and the board have the right to remove any person or message from the channel that breaks the rules or otherwise maliciously inhibits regular channel use, and they may for example limit the messaging rights of a person or entire channel. If the same conversation is taken to another channel during restrictions, restrictions will be applied in the additional channels.

Please read through TKO-äly's principles for a safer space and do not hesitate to be in touch with the harassment contact persons if needed.