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Exam Archive - https://tarpisto.tko-aly.fi

Tärpistö is an exam archive established and maintained by TKO-äly. Its purpose is to comprehensively accumulate old and new exams from computer and data science courses. Tärpistö also contains exams from mathematics and other subjects generally of interest to students. Its maintenance and currentness rely on the members' activity, so participate by submitting as many exam papers as possible!

Tärpistö is only accessible to members of TKO-äly at the address https://tarpisto.tko-aly.fi. Its use requires logging in with a TKO-äly membership.

Did you attend the exam? Send the exam to Tärpistö!

  • Paper exams: You can either bring the paper exam to the Exams folder on the bookshelf in Gurula, or scan the exam (using the multifunction devices in the chest of drawers, a mobile app, etc.) and send it to Tärpistö.
  • Moodle exams and other exams that already have a PDF: Send directly to Tärpistö!

Sending exams to the Tärpistö Coordinator

You can send the exam in PDF format to the Tärpistö Coordinator at the address tarpisto(at)tko-aly.fi. The subject line should simply be "Exam for Tärpistö", and in the message field include the date of the exam, the course name, and the type of exam (course exam/separate exam/midterm exam/mini exam/other).

Sending files directly to Tärpistö

Members of TKO-äly can also upload PDF-formatted exams directly to Tärpistö.

If possible, name the file as follows: YYMMDD_Course_Name_ExamType.pdf

  • YYMMDD: exam date in the aforementioned format (year-month-day)
  • CourseName: Without spaces
  • ExamType: KK, if course exam. EK, if separate exam. VK, if midterm exam. UK, if retake exam. MK1/MK2/etc, if mini-exam. If unsure, leave blank.

For example: 211229_Data_Structures_and_Algorithms_KK.pdf

Scanning Paper Exams

You can easily scan exam papers using a mobile app, or using the multifunction devices found in the department's hallways. Scanning on these devices is free, and you can easily send the PDF to your own email. You can also send it directly to the address tarpisto(at)tko-aly.fi, which might also be pre-saved in the multifunction devices' address book under the name AAA Tärpistö or similar.

Additional Instructions

  • It would be good to include the model solutions for the exam in the file, if they are available.
  • If the exam is in both Finnish and English, it would be good to combine them into the same file.
  • When scanning with multifunction devices, it's advisable to choose the OCR option, which makes the text in the PDF copyable/searchable.
  • However, a better option than scanning is to download the PDF directly from the course pages.