Schedule for fall

Versio hetkellä 17. kesäkuuta 2024 kello 13.32 – tehnyt Abstrema (keskustelu | muokkaukset)
Suomeksi: Syksyn aikataulu

Below you'll find key dates for the fresher fall of 2024. In addition, you'll find information about future events in TKO-äly's event calendar. The university guide for the orientation week can be found here.

In addition to the events below, we will organize events for all of our members, unofficial gatherings and events for your own tutor group.

NB! We might have to change these dates and schedule.
Follow our announcements on the fresher channel (you'll get the invitation link from a tutor), keep an eye on the event calendar and this page as we get closer to orientation week.
The events that are organized mostly for the freshers are not added to the event calendar.
Sat 24/8 Head start on the fresher year 16.00 (Calendar event)
  • A traditional head start on the fresher year in Suomenlinna: Come meet and hang out with your fellow students to be!
  • If you want to head to Suomenlinna together, come and meet us at Manta (the Havis Amanda statue) at 12 o'clock
  • TKO-äly will offer some snacks and refreshments. You can also bring your own snacks and drinks!
  • We will take the ferry to Suomenlinna, for which you'll need an HSL ticket valid in Zone A.
Orientation week You can find the events relevant for your degree programme here. They will add the links for the remote events later.
Mon 26/8 Orientation day I
  • Board Game Night at Exactum starting 17.00
Tue 27/8 Orientation day II
Hanging out at a park 16:00
Fresher Klusteri 18:00 (18:00-22:00 alcohol-free)
  • After the park, we'll head to Klusteri
  • You can go there with the others straight from the park or go there by yourself (the address is Leppäsuonkatu 11)
  • Ring the buzzer for "Christina Regina" and wait for somebody to come and open the door
  • When you come in, make sure somebody tells you the rules of Klusteri :)
Wed 28/8 Orientation week III
  • Check-in event for all new International degree and exchange students: 14:00-17:00, Language Center, Fabianinkatu 26Internationals
Fresher sauna 17:00
  • Let's have a sauna!
  • 17 o'clock at the Mäkelänkadun sauna, Mäkelänkatu 91, Helsinki
  • If you want to leave together, we leave from Kumpula at 17:00
  • Going to the sauna starts at 18:00 in shifts
Thu 29/8 Orientation day IV
City tour 14:00
  • Get to know central Helsinki
  • Departure from Exactum's main entrance (courtyard between Exactum and Physicum)
Park hangout 17:00