Siirry sisältöön
Translations:Yliopisto–suomi -sanakirja/2/en
- HY = University of Helsinki
- HYY = Student Union of the University of Helsinki
- lipasto = university, informally
- käpistely / TKT = Computer Science, informally
- TKTO = the Computer Science department (before, TKTL)
- Alko-linja, Alko = algorithms study track
- Hajatili = distributed or networked systems study track
- Ohjä-linja, Ohjä = software engineering study track
- ilmo = sign up (to a course or an event), informally
- sisu = SISU (Student Information System for Universities) for planning for your studies and signing up for courses
- noppa = an ECTS study credit, informally
- laskarit = exercises or exercise sessions on any course, informally. Formally, laskuharjoitus
- kisälli = an apprentice aka a student who gets paid for helping other students out with their course work
- paja = a classroom where the apprentices help out with the course work
- assari = a TA, informally
- labra = a lab, originally the labs in Physics and Chemistry
- HOPS = PSP, a personal study plan
- kandi = a Bachelor's Degree, mandatory before a Master's Degree. For us, "luonnontieteiden kandidaatti", BSc.
- can also mean a person who has completed their Bachelor's
- can also mean your Bachelor's thesis
- semma = a seminar, in the Master's Programme
- pruju / matsku = a random stack of paper or a pdf that you are expected to learn from, also known as a handout
- tenttiminen / erilliskoe = a way to study a course with one exam