Translations:TKO-älyn virat/29/en


The event committee's idea is to streamline board meetings and lower the threshold for people to organize events. The event committee includes, for example officers in charge of parties, sitsit, casual nights, culture and sports events. The event committee has a chair (and ideally also a vice-chair), who is also part of the board. The event committee prepares and the chair of the event committee presents to TKO-äly's board a presentation about past and future events, which the board approves with its implementation and budgets at the board meeting. The presentation includes matters such as the number of participants in previous events, how the events went overall, and how well the events stayed on budget. The prepared presentation helps the board meetings to stay shorter and enables events to be organized without the person responsible for the event having to sit through a long board meeting while waiting for their turn to present the event idea. The event committee can decide how to organize itself, but they will most likely have regular short meetings and/or Telegram communication. The activities of the event committee are open to everyone.