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Ero sivun ”Translations:Ohjeet tapahtuman järjestämiselle/22/en” versioiden välillä

Ak: Uusi sivu: ''''Dress code''': The dress code for events is usually "come as you are", but remember to let people know if that's not the case. For example let people know if you should wear overalls, if there's a theme, or if people should be a bit dressier. Remember to use gender neutral language and so that people know that the most important thing is that people show up, not that they follow the dress code to a T.
(Ak: Uusi sivu: ''''Dress code''': The dress code for events is usually "come as you are", but remember to let people know if that's not the case. For example let people know if you should wear overalls, if there's a theme, or if people should be a bit dressier. Remember to use gender neutral language and so that people know that the most important thing is that people show up, not that they follow the dress code to a T.)
(ei mitään eroa)