Ero sivun ”Ohjeet tapahtuman järjestämiselle/en” versioiden välillä

Ak: Uusi sivu: If it's likely that a lot of people sign up fast for the event and the spots might run out, it might be a good idea to remind people on things about our sign up form that give you an advantage in the sign up. For example about the fact that the sign up goes through even with some fields left without a choice and you can edit it later and keep your spot on the queue.
(Ak: Uusi sivu: All TKO-äly communications are written at least both in Finnish and English.)
(Ak: Uusi sivu: If it's likely that a lot of people sign up fast for the event and the spots might run out, it might be a good idea to remind people on things about our sign up form that give you an advantage in the sign up. For example about the fact that the sign up goes through even with some fields left without a choice and you can edit it later and keep your spot on the queue.)
(19 välissä olevaa versiota 3 käyttäjän tekeminä ei näytetä)
Rivi 32: Rivi 32:
All TKO-äly communications are written at least both in Finnish and English.
All TKO-äly communications are written at least both in Finnish and English.

<div lang="fi" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<span id="Mitä_tapahtumasta_tiedotetaan?"></span>
==Käytännön asioita==
====What info should be announced about the event?====
# Jos tapahtuma tarvitsee nakkeilijoita (avustajia), hoida rekry ajoissa.
# Suunnittele tavaroiden roudaus sekä tapahtumapaikalle että pois sieltä.
# Varmista tavaroille loppusijoituspaikka ja tapa saada ne sinne.
# Suurissa tapahtumissa, kuten sitseissä ja saunailloissa, on syytä nimetä tapahtumassa paikalla olevat turvallisuushenkilöt, joiden yhteystiedot ovat esillä tapahtuman tiedotuksessa, ja jotka erottuvat muusta massasta esimerkiksi pinkkeihin heijastinliiveihin pukeutumalla. Myös pienemmissä tapahtumissa on oltava joku henkilö, johon voi olla yhteydessä ongelmatilanteissa. Tämä henkilö voi olla esimerkiksi paikalla oleva TKO-älyn häirintäyhdyshenkilö tai tapahtuman järjestäjä. Jos havaitset huonossa kunnossa olevan henkilön, älä jätä häntä yksin.
# Kokoukset ja tapahtumat pyritään järjestämään esteettömissä tiloissa. Tapahtumatiedotteissa on syytä mainita tilan esteettömyystiedot. Yleisimpiä esteettömyystietoja listataan [ Fuksiwikiin]. Aistiyliherkkyydet tulee huomioida tapahtumien suunnittelussa parhaan kyvyn mukaan.
# TKO-äly pyrkii mahdollisuuksien mukaan järjestämään unisex-vessat tapahtumiinsa.
# Huomioi kansainväliset opiskelijat (eli varmista, että myös henkilöllä, joka ei ymmärrä suomea, on mukavaa tapahtumassa)!

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Enough info in advertising the event lowers the threshold to participate, because the participants know in advance what to expect. There's usually a free form text advertisement about the event where the event is described in a way to create interest. It is good to have all the essential information about the event in this text, but it is also good to include a TL;DR section where the information is summarized in a short form. Below is a template of info categories that should always be shared about the event.
==Tapahtumat, joissa on tarjolla ruokaa tai juomaa==
Sitseillä ja muissa suuremmissa tapahtumissa on otettava huomioon jokaisen osallistujan erityisruokavalio ja allergiat. Erityisruokavalioita noudattavien ihmisten ruokien ja alkoholittomien juomien tulee olla laadultaan ja määrältään samantasoisia kuin oletusvaihtoehtojen. Jokaisessa tapahtumassa, jossa on ruokaa, on oltava laadukas vegaaninen vaihtoehto.

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'''What''': A short description on the event<br/>
Pienemmissä tapahtumissa ja kokoustarjoiluissa pyritään mahdollisimman hyvin ja monipuolisesti ottamaan huomioon erityisruokavaliot sekä yleisimmät ja vakavimmat allergiat (käytännössä ostamalla vegaanisia, gluteenittomia ja alkoholittomia tuotteita pääsee jo pitkälle). Tapahtumissa ja muussa tarjoilussa huomioidaan myös ihmiset, jotka eivät käytä alkoholia tai käyttävät sitä vain vähän, eikä heitä syrjitä tai painosteta juomaan.
'''When''': Date and time. It might be useful to have multiple times, for example for sitsis the time when people can get in and when the dinner starts<br/>
'''Where''': Name and address for the venue<br/>
'''Price''': How much does the participation to the event cost<br/>
'''Accessibility''': Describe in brief accessibility info for '''both the venue and the event'''. For example even if the venue normally doesn't have strong stimuli, remember to mention flashing lights and loud noise for a party. [ The accessibility checklist] has questions to ask about the accessibility for a venue and an event, and some venues already have their accessibility info listed there. If the venue is not on the list already you can help us by adding it to the wiki, or by asking an officer to do it. Remember to mention a person to contact in case there are further questions on the accessibility of the event.<br/>

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<span id="Asioita,_jotka_voi_lisäksi_ilmoittaa_tapahtumasta"></span>
====Additional info you might want to advertise for the event====
Saunatapahtumissa on syytä ottaa huomioon sukupuolen moninaisuus ja jäsenistön erilaiset mieltymykset. Esimerkkejä tavoista järjestää saunavuoroja:
* ei-naisten vuoro, ei-miesten vuoro ja sekavuoro
* uikkarillinen ja uikkariton sekavuoro

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''''Dress code''': The dress code for events is usually "come as you are", but remember to let people know if that's not the case. For example let people know if you should wear overalls, if there's a theme, or if people should be a bit dressier. Remember to use gender neutral language and so that people know that the most important thing is that people show up, not that they follow the dress code to a T <3 <br/>
Kaikkiin epäselvyyksiin voi pyytää apua [ TKO-älyn virkailijoilta] ja [ Telegramin aktiivikanavalta].
'''Alcohol consumption''': more info below. Copy paste the number and description for your event.<br/>
'''For whom''': If there's a need to specify who the event is for, for example if the event is only for a specific subgroup of members or open to others than members.
'''In Finnish'''<br/>
<span id="Alkoholiasteikko"></span>
====Alcohol consumption====
You can take part in all events totally alcohol free, and it's never ok to pressure people to drink. The purpose of this scale is to give an estimate on if the alcohol use in the event might cause social pressure to drink, even if no one directly pressures anyone.
0/4 The event is completely alcohol free<br />
1/4 Some drinks may be had, but getting noticeably drunk is not for this event<br />
2/4 Alcohol may be consumed, but it makes no difference for the event if people drink or don't<br />
3/4 Alcohol consumption is associated with the event, but you can just as well participate alcohol free and you will not be pressured to drink<br />
4/4 Alcohol plays a central role in this event, for example through gamified drinking. You can still participate alcohol free and you will not be pressured to drink
0/4 Tapahtumassa ei käytetä lainkaan alkoholia<br />
1/4 Tapahtumassa voidaan käyttää vähän alkoholia, huomattava humaltuminen ei ole suotavaa<br />
2/4  Tapahtumassa alkoholia voidaan käyttää, mutta tapahtuman kannalta on yhdentekevää käyttääkö alkoholia vai ei<br />
3/4 Tapahtumassa alkoholin käyttö on näkyvässä asemassa, mutta tapahtumaan voi osallistua alkoholittomana, eikä juomaan painosteta<br />
4/4 Tapahtumassa alkoholin käyttö on keskeisessä asemassa, esimerkiksi pelillistetyn juomisen kautta. Voit kuitenkin osallistua alkoholittomana, eikä juomaan painosteta<br />
# If you need volunteers, recruit them early.
# Have a plan for bringing the stuff you need to and from the event.
# Have a plan for storing the stuff and how the stuff gets to storage.
# In big events, like sitsit and sauna nights, you should name harassment contact people. Their contacts should be visible in communications about the event and they should stand out from the crowd by wearing eg. a pink vest. There should also be a responsible person in smaller events who you can contact in case of any problems. This person can be TKO-älys harassment contact person or the organiser of the event. Make sure that no-one is left alone if they are not feeling well.
# Meetings and events should be organised in accessible spaces. The event description should include the accessibility info for the space. We’ll list accessibility infos of the commonly used venues in the [ fresher wiki]. Sensory defensiveness should also be taken into consideration.
# TKO-äly tries to have unisex bathrooms in its events.
# Consider international students and make sure participating in an event is fun in English, too!
==Events with food or drinks==
Organisers of sitsit and other big events have to consider people’s special diets and allergies. Food for special diets and non-alcoholic options have to be similar to other food and drinks in quantity and quality. All events with food should have a good vegan option.
Food and drinks at small events and meetings should as much as possible be suited to special diets and most common and serious allergies (in practice, buying vegan, gluten-free and non-alcoholic options will get you far). People who use little to no alcohol are taken into consideration and will never be discriminated against or forced to drink alcohol.
==Sauna events==
Sauna events should take into account gender diversity and people’s different preferences. Examples for sauna shifts:
* no women, no men, mixed
* mixed sauna with swimsuits, mixed sauna without swimsuits
In all questions, you can contact TKO-äly’s [ officers] and the [ actives’ chat]!
==Events that require sign up==
If the capasity of the event is limited or you need to know how many people are attending, it's good to have a sign up for the event. Remember to ask at least:
# what people's diets are, both multiple choice "omnivore, vegetarian, vegan"<br/>
# Let people add info on their allergies etc.
# If there's drinks let people choose between alcoholic and non-alcoholic<br/>
# Add a "more info" field for people so they could for example tell more info on their needs for accessibility. If there's something on this field that the event can't fulfill, contact people as soon as possible<br/>
If it's likely that a lot of people sign up fast for the event and the spots might run out, it might be a good idea to remind people on things about our sign up form that give you an advantage in the sign up. For example about the fact that the sign up goes through even with some fields left without a choice and you can edit it later and keep your spot on the queue.