Ero sivun ”Opintovastaavat/en” versioiden välillä

Ak: Uusi sivu: Please don't hesitate to contact them: * '''Via email:''' opintovastaavat at * '''Via IRCnet:''' we monitor #tkt-apu * '''Via Telegram:'''
Ak: Uusi sivu: === Niclas Forsman === {| *'''email:''' niclas.forsman at *'''Telegram:''' @nnecklace I'm a third year student and a member of the board. As a studies representative, I want to represent and help all computer science students. I try to make sure that you are all doing well and that both the Bachelor's and the Master's Programme are up to par. I also try to make sure that the University hears its students and takes their opinions into account. I'm also on the Comp...
Merkkaukset: Mobiilimuokkaus mobiilisivusto-muokkaus
(3 välissä olevaa versiota 2 käyttäjän tekeminä ei näytetä)
Rivi 1: Rivi 1:
<div lang="fi" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
{{In English|Studies representatives}}

The studies representatives for TKO-äly will help you out with any potential problems with our studies, such as inconvenient course arrangements, frustrating bureaucracy or problems finding suitable courses. Whatever your studies related question, you can turn to our studies representatives who will either have the answer at the ready or will know who to ask. They organize additional help for courses that are notoriously difficult and actively take part in improving the tuition in our department.
The studies representatives for TKO-äly will help you out with any potential problems with our studies, such as inconvenient course arrangements, frustrating bureaucracy or problems finding suitable courses. Whatever your studies related question, you can turn to our studies representatives who will either have the answer at the ready or will know who to ask. They organize additional help for courses that are notoriously difficult and actively take part in improving the tuition in our department.
Rivi 14: Rivi 11:
'''Would you like to help other students with difficult courses?''' In recent years, we have not had any formal study circles, but they can be really helpful. If you are interested in helping out with this, please contact our studies representatives!
'''Would you like to help other students with difficult courses?''' In recent years, we have not had any formal study circles, but they can be really helpful. If you are interested in helping out with this, please contact our studies representatives!

<div lang="fi" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<span id="Vuoden_2024_opintovastaavat"></span>
== Vuoden 2023 opintovastaavat ==
== Studies representatives for 2024 ==
=== Niclas Forsman ===
=== Niclas Forsman ===
*'''email:'''  niclas.forsman ät
*'''email:'''  niclas.forsman at
*'''Telegram:''' @nnecklace
*'''Telegram:''' @nnecklace
Kolmannen vuoden opiskelija ja hallituksen jäsen. Opintovastaavana halua edustaa ja auttaa kaikkia TKT-opiskelijoita. Yritän huolehtia siitä, että teillä kaikilla on hyvä olla ja että koette sekä TKT:n kandi- että maisteriohjelman vastaavan odotuksianne. Pyrin kanssa huolehtimaan siitä, että yliopisto kuuntelee ja ottaa huomioon opiskelijoiden mielipiteet. Toimin myös Tietojenkäsittelytieteen maisteriopiskelijoiden Johtoryhmässä varajäsenenä. Jos jokin asia askarruttaa, esim SISU tai kurssit (tkt tai matikka), niin minulta voi kysyä neuvoja.
I'm a third year student and a member of the board. As a studies representative, I want to represent and help all computer science students. I try to make sure that you are all doing well and that both the Bachelor's and the Master's Programme are up to par. I also try to make sure that the University hears its students and takes their opinions into account. I'm also on the Computer Science Master's Programme Steering Group as a deputy member. If you have any problems with say Sisu, Comsci or Math, you can always reach out to me!
<div lang="fi" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
=== Konsta Janhunen ===
*'''email:''' konsta.janhunen ät
*'''Telegram:''' @erezac
Kolmannen vuoden opiskelija, 2021 ja 2022 TKO-älyn hallituksen jäsen, nykyään Matlun hallituksessa. Aiempaa opiskelukokemusta löytyy myös pitkän suojatien toiselta puolelta ja olin taannoin Matlunkin opintovastaava. Tärkeimpänä roolinani näen opintovastaavana huolehtia siitä, että kolmikantainen vaikuttaminen toteutuu opetuksessa, erityisesti opiskelijan osalta. Ota yhteyttä, jos huomaat epäkohtia, et tiedä kuinka suhtautua johonkin opetukseen liittyvään asiaan tai muuten halutessasi keskustella!

<div lang="fi" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<span id="Hallinnon_opiskelijaedustajat"></span>
== Hallinnon opiskelijaedustajat ==
== Student representatives in administration ==

Some of our students are also student representatives in administration. See more at (currently only available in Finnish).
Some of our students are also student representatives in administration. See more at (currently only available in Finnish).

Nykyinen versio 8. elokuuta 2024 kello 18.19

The studies representatives for TKO-äly will help you out with any potential problems with our studies, such as inconvenient course arrangements, frustrating bureaucracy or problems finding suitable courses. Whatever your studies related question, you can turn to our studies representatives who will either have the answer at the ready or will know who to ask. They organize additional help for courses that are notoriously difficult and actively take part in improving the tuition in our department.

They handle all matters confidentially, so you can for example give anonymous feedback to a professor via them.

Please don't hesitate to contact them:

  • Via email: opintovastaavat at
  • Via IRCnet: we monitor #tkt-apu
  • Via Telegram:

Would you like to help other students with difficult courses? In recent years, we have not had any formal study circles, but they can be really helpful. If you are interested in helping out with this, please contact our studies representatives!

Studies representatives for 2024

Niclas Forsman

  • email: niclas.forsman at
  • Telegram: @nnecklace
I'm a third year student and a member of the board. As a studies representative, I want to represent and help all computer science students. I try to make sure that you are all doing well and that both the Bachelor's and the Master's Programme are up to par. I also try to make sure that the University hears its students and takes their opinions into account. I'm also on the Computer Science Master's Programme Steering Group as a deputy member. If you have any problems with say Sisu, Comsci or Math, you can always reach out to me!

Student representatives in administration

Some of our students are also student representatives in administration. See more at (currently only available in Finnish).