Translations:Yliopisto–suomi -sanakirja/3/en
- Tekis = TKO-äly, our subject organisation
- aktiivi = a person who actively takes part in the student organisation
- halko = a board meeting, typically that of your own subject organisation
- HYY = Student Union of the University of Helsinki
- HYAL = HYAL ry., subject organization members of the University of Helsinki, an organization for subject organization actives
- sitsit = an academic dinner party. Dress up fancy (usually) and eat fancy (sometimes). Sing a lot.
- vujut = an academic annual ball. The highlight of the year for the student organisation. Fancier than a sitsit.
- excu = an excursion, getting to know e.g. a company that hires a lot of computer scientists, or an excursion to a movie theatre, museum or Fazer
- RV = the snack kiosk at Gurula
- depositata = add money to your user for the snack kiosk
- Readme/redari = TKO-äly's own magazine, published around four times a year