Ero sivun ”TKO-älyn yleinen keskusteluohjesääntö” versioiden välillä

pEi muokkausyhteenvetoa
p (Englanninkielinen käännös)
Rivi 19: Rivi 19:
English here
English here
Treat others like you would like to be treated by others.
If you see or experience incorrect behaviour or otherwise require help in unclear situations, immediately contact the moderators (marked with a star in Telegram). We will react to harrassment as fast as possible.
Don't assume another person's identity, gender, sexual preference or any other equivalent attribute.
Don't use offensive language against another person, whether on the channel or not.
Be open minded and listen to what others say. Respect others as human beings beyond your own bias. Don't question or judge the otherness of a person.
There is no room for violence, intolerance, excluding conduct or language.
Follow the safe-for-work-principle. Don't send messages that include graphical violence, pornography or other disturbing or inappropriate content. Don't post anything you wouldn't wish for your colleagues or employers to see.
The topic on the channel is free, as long as the conversation follows the above guidelines. A moderator has the right to remove any person or message from the channel that breaks the rules or otherwise maliciously inhibits channel use.