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Ero sivun ”Ohjeet tapahtuman järjestämiselle/en” versioiden välillä

Ak: Uusi sivu: 0/4 The event is completely alcohol free<br /> 1/4 Some drinks may be had, but getting noticeably drunk is not for this event<br /> 2/4 Alcohol may be consumed, but it makes no difference for the event if people drink or don't<br /> 3/4 Alcohol consumption is associated with the event, but you can just as well participate alcohol free and you will not be pressured to drink<br /> 4/4 Alcohol plays a central role in this event, for example through gamified drinking. You can sti...
(Ak: Uusi sivu: You can take part in all events totally alcohol free, and it's never ok to pressure people to drink. The purpose of this scale is to give an estimate on if the alcohol use in the event might cause social pressure to drink, even if no one directly pressures anyone.)
Merkkaukset: Mobiilimuokkaus mobiilisivusto-muokkaus
(Ak: Uusi sivu: 0/4 The event is completely alcohol free<br /> 1/4 Some drinks may be had, but getting noticeably drunk is not for this event<br /> 2/4 Alcohol may be consumed, but it makes no difference for the event if people drink or don't<br /> 3/4 Alcohol consumption is associated with the event, but you can just as well participate alcohol free and you will not be pressured to drink<br /> 4/4 Alcohol plays a central role in this event, for example through gamified drinking. You can sti...)
Rivi 65: Rivi 65:
You can take part in all events totally alcohol free, and it's never ok to pressure people to drink. The purpose of this scale is to give an estimate on if the alcohol use in the event might cause social pressure to drink, even if no one directly pressures anyone.
You can take part in all events totally alcohol free, and it's never ok to pressure people to drink. The purpose of this scale is to give an estimate on if the alcohol use in the event might cause social pressure to drink, even if no one directly pressures anyone.

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0/4 The event is completely alcohol free<br />
0/4 Tapahtumassa ei käytetä lainkaan alkoholia<br />
1/4 Some drinks may be had, but getting noticeably drunk is not for this event<br />
1/4 Tapahtumassa voidaan käyttää vähän alkoholia, huomattava humaltuminen ei ole suotavaa<br />
2/4 Alcohol may be consumed, but it makes no difference for the event if people drink or don't<br />
2/4 Tapahtumassa alkoholia voidaan käyttää, mutta tapahtuman kannalta on yhdentekevää käyttääkö alkoholia vai ei<br />
3/4 Alcohol consumption is associated with the event, but you can just as well participate alcohol free and you will not be pressured to drink<br />
3/4 Tapahtumassa alkoholin käyttö on näkyvässä asemassa, mutta tapahtumaan voi osallistua alkoholittomana, eikä juomaan painosteta<br />
4/4 Alcohol plays a central role in this event, for example through gamified drinking. You can still participate alcohol free and you will not be pressured to drink
4/4 Tapahtumassa alkoholin käyttö on keskeisessä asemassa, esimerkiksi pelillistetyn juomisen kautta. Voit kuitenkin osallistua alkoholittomana, eikä juomaan painosteta<br />

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