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update schedule for Interdisciplinary fresher party
p (Päivitetään kandi-vaihtarien ohjelmaa, lisätään linkkejä tms.)
p (update schedule for Interdisciplinary fresher party)
Rivi 87: Rivi 87:

| '''Interdisciplinary fresher party''' 21:00
| '''Interdisciplinary fresher party''' 22:00
* From the park we go to afters to [[Venues#Kaivopuisto|Kaivopuisto]]! Here we hangout and party with Biosfär (biological and environmental sciences), EKY (veterinary medicine) and TYT (theology) students!
* From the park we go to afters to [[Venues#Kaivopuisto|Kaivopuisto]]! Here we hangout and party with Biosfääri (biological and environmental sciences), EKY (veterinary medicine) and TYT (theology) students!